Interprofessional Village Seeking Healthcare Professionals

Wisconsin AHEC is seeking participation from health professionals representing a variety of disciplines to serve as Table Hosts at our Interprofessional Village (IP Village). The ‘IP Village’ runs concurrently with AHEC’s statewide team-based Interprofessional Healthcare Case Competition.

Competing teams of college students have a strong interest in interprofessional practice and are highly motivated to talk with Table Hosts in the IP Village. Table Hosts will share their experience, insight, role, ethics, and aspects of interprofessional teamwork as related to their own discipline. They will also answer students’ questions about preparing for future practice.

Interprofessional Village Table Host

Friday, January 10, 2020
Kalahari Resort
Wisconsin Dells

Lunch will be from
11:30 a.m. — 12:30 p.m.

Table hosting will be from
12:30 — 3:00 p.m

Register as a Table Host for the event