About Us

Wisconsin AHEC is a health professions education and outreach program funded by the Heath Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and UW School of Medicine and Public Health. It is part of a nationwide network of programs for improving accessibility and quality of primary health care.

The national program was designed to encourage universities and educators to look beyond their institutions to partnerships that meet community health needs, working toward the goal of decentralizing health professions training and linking communities with academic health centers in partnerships to promote cooperative solutions to local health problems.

Today, Wisconsin AHEC offers a variety of education and training programs designed to increase the diversity and distribution of the healthcare workforce, and enhance healthcare quality and delivery in rural and medically underserved communities across Wisconsin’s 72 counties.

Through our 7 Regional Centers, a program office located at the UW School of Medicine and Public Health, and partnerships with academic institutions and community-based organizations throughout the state, we serve over 6,000 learners annually. Explore our opportunities for high school students, college health profession students, and currently practicing health professionals.

Click the image below to access our 2023-24 Health Workforce Impact Infographic

Wisconsin AHEC specializes in developing and offering education and training opportunities statewide in partnership with academic and community partners across the full spectrum of health career pathways. In 2023-24 this included:

  • Enrichment programs for 5,474 high school learners to increase their awareness of and interest in pursuing health careers,
  • Community-based, interprofessional programs for 877 college level pre-health and health professions learners, and
  • Professional development and continuing education programs for 151 currently practicing health professionals.

Wisconsin AHEC Program Office Team

Elizabeth (Liz) Bush
Statewide Program Director

Thalia Williams
Distinguished Program Evaluator

Katie Freeman
Statewide Program Manager

Leeda Mukhieva
Administrative Specialist