Youth Health Service Corps Continues to Demonstrate Community-Based Outcomes

MILWAUKEE – The Milwaukee AHEC Youth Health Service Corps (YHSC) got off to a great start this school year at James Madison Academic Campus. This year the program is being led by Medical College of Wisconsin students, Freddy Siller and Nikhil Munshi. During the October meeting, veteran YHSC members learned how to take blood pressure screenings. They will have the opportunity to practice this new skill in November, when they teach the new members.

YHSC continues to demonstrate outcomes that we are proud of. On the end of the year survey taken last May, YHSC members reported that they agreed or strongly agreed that as a result of participating in the YHSC program:

  • They felt more responsible for health in others,
  • They have at least one teacher other adult who takes their interests seriously,
  • They learned things they did not know about health careers and
  • They plan to attend college.
Putting classroom learning into practice is common for YHSC members.
YHSC members practice taking blood pressure screenings.