The Director of the Wisconsin Area Health Education Center (AHEC) System provides overall leadership, direction, organization and fiscal oversight of Wisconsin’s statewide AHEC program and serves as PI/Project Director on Wisconsin’s HRSA grant U77 HP03045, the federal cooperative agreement for Wisconsin AHEC.
Wisconsin AHEC is dedicated to improving access to quality health care through development of community-based health professions training programs and enhancement of community health education resources throughout Wisconsin. It is distinguished by its strong statewide organization and the tradition of collaboration among its regional Centers. Wisconsin has seven independent regional centers, all 501c3 organizations with their own governing boards, and a statewide board comprised of representatives of the Center governing boards, the partnering health professions programs and at-large representatives. The Wisconsin program has always had a mission of serving all health professions programs in the state, and has, from its inception, had a focus on developing interprofessional experiences for students. Academic program partners include: 2 medical schools (UW and MCW), over 20 BSN nursing programs, 8 advanced degree nursing programs, 5 physician assistant programs, 2 pharmacy programs, 4 MPH programs, 8 social work programs and a range of allied health and preprofessional programs at the 13 UW System campuses, 21 private colleges, 2 tribal colleges, 13 UW System two-year campuses and the Wisconsin Technical College System’s 16 colleges, 47 campuses and other outreach centers.
The AHEC Director administers a core budget of approximately $2 million in state and federal funding, developing AHEC’s statewide program activities, supervising program staff in the Madison program office and coordinating the work of seven regional centers and the statewide Board of Directors. The number of employees in the Madison office varies according to grant activity, but includes a core of 2.5 FTE academic staff and 2-4 student interns. The regional centers have approximately 25 employees, including the seven regional directors, who are employed by their own governing Boards. Additional project-specific grants and contracts to the Program Office and to individual Centers add approximately $1 million annually to the resources of the system as a whole.
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